Make your story stand out.

At Relativity, we work with you during each phase of the college admissions process.  Whether it be test prep, essay review, or athletic recruiting, we ask the right questions to help you develop and tell your unique story.

Identify your story


Through personal meetings and consultations with you and your family we work together to identify your story.  What are your passions – in school and life?  Where did your story begin, how has it developed, and where is it heading?

develop YOUR STORY

We discuss and share with you how to develop and grow your story. What activities can you add or expand to your personal repertoire? What other things might you do that build on your interests or give you insights into your future?

Develop your story

MAtch your story

As we work together we create an inventory of schools that match who you are – seeking schools that fit who you are and where you want to go.  What are potential areas of study, activities you hope to continue in college and new pursuits you might wish to try?

support your story

We work closely with you to help you support your story by identifying testing support and resources to maximize the potential of your application. We also help you identify those who might help you tell your story, such as teacher recommendations or outside letters that will help tell more about who you are.

share & tell your story

We work with you as to the keys to tell your story through your essays, interviews and visits to campuses. We assist you with outreach to schools to connect you with people on campuses who can help you with the process.

the next chapter in your story

Finally, we help you make that decision, fit and match where the journey will lead you next.